Saturday, August 31, 2019

American History before the Revolution

The discovery of the Americas by Christopher Columbus in 1492 led to the colonial expansion of the nations of Western Europe. These colonies were created to push trade forwards in the form of new imports, primarily raw materials as a base for trade and creations of new products. This topic will focus on the history of North America before the American Revolution in 1776. The first successful English colony was established by the London Virginia Company in 1607 and was known as Jamestown. It was primarily created for the purpose of looking for gold.It was not successful in its venture but eventually found money in growing tobacco which eventually bloomed into plantations with settlers coming in with servants and slaves to create their own. The colony depended on the trade of these crops and most of them were shipped straight back to Britain. The formation of this colony was followed by the settlement of the Pilgrims, a protestant sect based in England and the Netherlands in Massachuse tts. They were escaping religious persecution aboard the Mayflower and they drew themselves the Mayflower compact after landing which gave them power of self governance.This was followed by the establishment of the Massachusetts Bay colony in 1629 by the Puritans. They wished to create a religious nation that would serve the true religion. The banishment of Roger Williams from the colony for preaching the separation of church and state led the creation of Rhode Island Colony. From an economic standpoint they were also self-sustaining. Their economy worked on every farmer sustaining himself and having to trade for any goods they could not provide for themselves. The three of these colonies formed the Cheapsake bay area.The middle colonies consisted of what are presently New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. These colonies were characterized by much diversity in their religious, economic, political and ethnic practices. Connecticut was also formed. The colonization of the l ower south started in Carolina in 1670 by the English Lords Proprietors. It was mainly set up as a trading colony especially in South Carolina. They eventually cultivated rice in 1690 through the aid of the African slaves they brought with them.The political differences between the settlers in this colony created much conflict and eventually war which lead to the Proprietors selling it back to the British Crown. A member of parliament known as James Oglethorpe established Georgia Colony in 1733 as a way to form a base against Florida which was occupied by Spain at the time. It was established with strict moral laws which forbade slavery and alcohol along with other forms of immortal acts. Once these laws were rescinded the country went from poverty to prosperity. It consisted of people from varied religious backgrounds.Great Britain eventually won East and West Florida from the Spaniards in 1763 and returned it in 1783 when they left. By 1700 most of the regions were divided in two halves. Their origins brought about the creation of two very different societies. The colonies of New England were much more individualistic as compared to the Southern colonies. The northern colonies touted freedom of religion and of the political process. They formed their society around an orthodox method in order to set an example for all other societies. In contrast the southerners were developed around the bases of economics.Their society was more geared towards mercantilism. The vast quantities of cheap land available to them allowed them to pursue this interest. In order to facilitate their economy they also formed a government which was based according to the Virginia Charter. The increasing demand for English goods grew rapidly in the 1700s and with the possession of the cotton industry in the south the colonies soon outpace England in terms of exports. This was mainly due to the fact that the colonies made use of slaves for labor purposes which brought them great prosperi ty.In the 1600 the English passed a series of laws known as the Navigation Acts which restricted the use of foreign shipping to trade between England and its colonies. This was mainly done to limit Dutch merchants from trading with its colonies and allowed England to be the main hub for all colonial products. These acts though bringing Britain great wealth caused great resentment in the colonies. This was so because the laws restricted the ability of the colonies to trade with anyone but the English, with these in effect it decreased their power to be independent of the Royal Court.Thus these Mercantilist policies were refused by the colonies as they saw it as a control over their economies and their government. In order to avoid heavy taxes and regulations the colonies resorted to smuggling their goods. The loss of much wealth led the British to enact the writ of assistance which enabled officers to freely search citizens and homes which were suspected of smuggling. The colonists f ound this to be a violation of their civil rights as citizens of the crown. One of the main ways that smugglers from the colonies operated was the selling tea to the American colonies.Originally the tea came from England through the East India Company, however when Benjamin Franklin suggested that the company bypass England and deal with the colonists directly, the smugglers lost their source of income. In rebellion they tossed 342 crates of tea into the Boston Harbor. This led to the Boston Port Act through which Britain closed down Boston harbor until the tea was paid for. The mercantilism system had a draconian effect on the colonies. Following the Seven years war in 1765 the British Parliament imposed a stamp tax on the American colonies requiring by law that all printed materials carry it.This was to pay for the military funds from the war of which the colonists were considered benefactors. This was also considered violations of their rights as colonial citizens to decide their own tax laws and led to many protests from New England to Georgia. Other British colonies also rebelled against the tax as they saw it as a threat to their economy and it was eventually repealed in 1766. This added further fuel to the colonist resentment and concerns of the British parliament. The last straw was that of the Boston Massacre where the deaths of five civilians in 1770 and sparked the fire which led to the American Revolution.In the end it was all of the reasons above along with the need of the colonies to establish their own government free from the religious, economic and governmental persecution of the English that led to the creation and subsequently fight for the freedom of the colonies and as we know in the end they succeeded. References Internet History Sourcebooks Project. (2007, June 4). Colonial North America. Retrieved May 24, 2009, from Internet Modern History Sourcebook : http://www. fordham. edu/halsall/mod/modsbook07. html

Friday, August 30, 2019

Are the social Sciences Really Inferior? Essay

Prologue It is a common notion that the social sciences, as it were, are inferior to the natural sciences when it comes to being a â€Å"science†. Some sects in the society even questions the credibility of the claim of the social sciences that they are indeed a science; several faction of the society views social science as a whole as being inferior to the natural science, a number of them even does not consider social sciences as a science at all. The article at hand, tackles this dispute by pointing out several points of comparison between the two bodies of knowledge so as to achieve clarity and a definitive answer regarding the matter at hand. The following are the points that the author of the article pointed out: invariability of observations, objectivity of observations and explanations, verifiability of hypothesis, exactness of findings, measurability of phenomena, constancy of numerical relationships, predictability of future events, distance from everyday experience, and stan dards of admission and requirements. The points presented by the author of the selection will be pondered upon in this paper in such a manner that clarity and clearness may be achieved. In this respect, the author of this paper took liberty of dividing the work into several headings, just like what the original writer did, and after each heading the authors own explanation of the matter at hand will be presented. In this manner, the author hopes to arrive at a scholarly paper that can ascertain the matter at hand. Invariability of observations To make things simpler, the notion that the author of the said article wants to establish under this heading is that the natural sciences imposes a sort of superiority over the social sciences. This is because of the fact that the natural sciences are invariant when it comes to its object of study, hence its object of study may recur. While in the case of the social sciences, since the nature of society is to change, its object of study is incorporated with variability. However, the author pointed out that there is  a social science that can be considered as invariable, and that is in the field of economics. In addition to what already has been stated, the author posited the position that the only difference in the variability between the social sciences and the natural sciences is that of degree, that is if we are talking about the real world. Taking a closer look at the matter at hand, we may safely state that there is indeed a difference between the two sciences when it comes to the variability of their object of study, this is due to the number of relevant factors to be taken into account for explaining or predicting events occurring in the real world. Objectivity of observations and explanations It is a common notion that the natural sciences will do everything in its power to at least reduce the level of subjectivity in their field, if not to completely annihilate it. On the contrary, the society views the social sciences as imbued with subjectivity and thrive on it. Well, this is true if we look at both sciences at a glance; however, taking a second look at it we may realize that even the natural sciences may have a little touch of subjectivity instilled in it. This assertion is based on the following factors: the scientist, who conducts the experiments and other vital stuff in the natural sciences, ethical problems, and selection of a project in the choice of the subject for investigation. The scientist The scientist, who conducts different sorts of experiments and tests in the laboratory, in one way or the other, is still imbued with subjectivity no matter how hard he try and no matter how hard they contest it to be. This is for the reason that the individuality of a scientist cannot be eliminated no matter what because he is still a human being in the first place. Ethical problems Ethical problems may influence the subject of study in the natural sciences in many various ways. Political pressure, media intervention, Church’s involvement etc. may affect the object of study in any natural sciences. This influence of diverse forces in the natural sciences may in the process infuse a subjective aspect in the object of study being scrutinized. Selection of a project in the choice of the subject for investigation The scientist chooses the project in the choice of the subject for investigation. As it implies, the scientist will of course choose the subject matter that interests him. In this manner, the subjectivity of the scientist is being instilled in the object of study under the natural sciences. It seems that the only difference between the two sciences when it comes to the heading being tackled is that social phenomena are explained only if they are attributed to definite types of action which are understood in terms of values motivating those who decide and act. The concern with values of the social sciences, it seems, is the crucial difference between the two. However, this does not take anything away from the social sciences and it is clear that this advantage is not a basis of superiority in either case. Verifiability of hypothesis In the case of the natural science, it is benefited with the capacity to have or conduct controlled experiments on the object of study. In this type of experiment the diverse factors that may affect the object of study are limited and controlled, that is the reason why in the natural sciences verifiability of hypothesis is possible. In the case of the social sciences, these types of controlled experiments and tests are not possible for the reason that the object of study of the social sciences deals with the society and the day-to-day living of different people, which makes it improbable to conduct experiments as such. Clearly, in this respect, the natural sciences have a vantage point vis-à  -vis the social sciences. However, this does not necessitate that the natural sciences are indeed  superior to the social sciences. Exactness of findings According to the article, the meaning of exactness best founded in intellectual history is the possibility of constructing theoretical systems of idealized models containing abstract constructs of variables and of relations between variables, from which most or all propositions concerning particular connections can be deduced. In this respect, the natural sciences are no different from the social sciences. This is for the reason that such systems cannot be found in several of the natural sciences– in several aspects in biology for instance–while it can be found in at least one of the social sciences: economics. Given this fact, it cannot be asserted that the natural sciences are indeed superior to the social sciences regarding the factor at hand. Measurability of phenomena The point of the author in this particular portion of the article is that there is no way of judging whether non-quantifiable factors are more prevalent in nature or society. In this light, there can be no aspect of superiority or inferiority regarding this matter between the natural and the social sciences. Constancy of numerical relationships Regarding this matter, there is without a doubt that the natural sciences are in advantage if compared to the social sciences. This is due to the fact that in the natural sciences, there exist such a constant law and figures that can never be changed or alter in any manner. On the contrary, in the case of the social sciences there are no such constant laws or figures to support and supplement the body of knowledge in its endeavor. This is for the reason that in the real social world nothing is constant but change, and it is due to this nature of the social world that constancy is far from being achieved. Predictability of future events The common notion regarding the predictive power of the natural science is true, given the fact that it does not permeate different factors that can alter the prediction. In other words, due to the controlled experiments of the natural scientist, prediction is not far from being reached. However, in the case of the social sciences, wherein the object of study is the society, predictability is hard to find. According to the author of this particular article, the only difference between the two sciences in this respect is that experts in the natural sciences usually do not try to do what they know that they cannot do; and nobody expects them to do it. Social scientists, on the other hand, for some strange reasons are expected to foretell the future and they feel bad if they fail to do so. Distance from everyday experience Science is viewed by many as anything that cannot be comprehended by a layman or an ordinary person. The object of study of the natural sciences are somehow not attuned and far from the day-to-day experiences and living of the ordinary people. While the object of study of the social sciences are directly affects the fervor of the masses. This is the reason that the social sciences are more close to the hearts of men. However, this does not say anything regarding the query at hand. Standards of Admission and requirements According to some study the IQ level of the students of physics are more advance than those students in other courses. In this basis where the foundation of the natural sciences’ claims that there proponents are more intelligent than those of the social sciences. However, as stipulated by the author of the said article, this does not assert anything in favor or against both the social and the natural sciences for the reason that this  factors depends entirely on the school or the academe that are offering such courses. It is a given fact that the natural science students are more advance in terms of their IQ level for the reason that they are more adept in calculus than any other students. Nonetheless this does not entail that the natural sciences are superior to the social sciences. The Score Card Taking a closer look at the point by point comparison made by the author between the factors that may be able to point out the difference between the two bodies of knowledge, we may ascertain that there are at least three definitive advantage of the natural sciences with regards to the social sciences, namely; invariability of observations, verifiability of hypothesis, and constancy of numerical relationships. However, the way the author of this paper sees it, these advantages are mere benefits that the natural sciences enjoys and these vantage point does not entail that the natural sciences are superior to the social sciences in any manner. On the second thought, the author of this paper thinks that there is no point of comparison between the two sciences at hand. This is because of the reason that the one is not an alternative of the other. The social sciences are not an alternative of the natural sciences, wherein we can choose one over the other. Instead, the two bodies of knowledge go hand in hand to make the complex world that we are living in comprehendible to the society. Without one of these sciences an individual person may find himself amidst a cloud of confusion and bewilderment. The factors presented in the paper do not imply that we ought not to study social sciences because of its inferiority to the natural sciences. The vantage point of the natural sciences is but a benefit that can be enjoyed by this particular body of knowledge. To sum things up, the so-called inferiority of the social sciences to the natural sciences is but a phantom that the society in general integrates to the former, viewing the later as indeed superior. Epilogue In chapter one of the set of articles that we were asked to read, the thesis  question presented is that â€Å"is the social science really inferior to the natural science?†. On the course of our discussions and presentation of facts, we come to the conclusion and understanding that the natural sciences indeed has some advantage to enjoy and maximize if compared to the social sciences. However, as pointed out in the paper at hand, these vantage points does not entail that the natural sciences are superior to the social sciences in any manner. This is for the reason, as stipulated earlier; the one is not an alternative or a substitute of the other. This is for the same reason that, as the author of this paper views it, there is no point of comparison between the two bodies of knowledge at hand. Indeed, there are several advantages when it comes to the nature and structure of the natural sciences if compared to the social sciences. However, these advantages should not be viewed in lieu of the superiority/inferiority debate; instead it should serve as a challenge on the part of the social sciences to maximize and make the most out of the available resources of the social sciences to be able for it to comply and be attuned with the needs of the social reality.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

CJ summarize 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CJ summarize 8 - Essay Example For instance, in meal and services, opportunistic theft, kickbacks among many other forms of this illegal vice. In addition to that, it attributes this activities to a slippery slope as supported by the society at large. Moreover, it goes ahead to explain that there are some structural explanation, contradictory set of norms and dishonesty rampancy that contribute to the spread of this vice in the police force. On the same point the article delves to document that there has been formation of inquiries into the matter that have in fact drafted recommendations of the same problem. On the contrary, the article also states some of the instances of police brutality for instance harassment. Notably, the article also says that this vice can be stopped with the enactment of the police act which serves to discipline errant behaviour. On the same not, the article also documents that this will be the first step towards police reforms. To this end, this illegal vices need to be fought against in bid to boost service

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The role of advanced practice in nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The role of advanced practice in nursing - Essay Example Scholarly articles shall be utilized in order to attain a comprehensive discussion of this subject matter. Personal nursing experiences shall also be integrated into this paper in order to help substantiate the discussion. This paper is being undertaken in order to undertake a thorough evaluation of advanced practice nurse and its crucial role in the health care practice. Advanced practice nurses are defined or described in a variety of ways. The Nursing Scope and Standards of Nursing define advanced practice nurses as those â€Å"having advanced specialized clinical knowledge and skills through master’s or doctoral education that prepares for specialization, expansion, and advancement of practice† (as cited by Jansen & Zwygart-Stauffacher, 2010, p. 5). In this case, specializing refers to the act of concentrating or focusing one’s practice into a part of the greater nursing practice. Specializing in maternal and child care may be one of the areas of advanced practice nursing. It is focused on the care given to the pregnant mother, and subsequently her delivery and child care. It focuses on what the mother and child evidently needs and how the nurse can alleviate such needs. Advanced nursing practice includes the expansion of skills and knowledge – beyond that which is normally covered by nursing practice, sometimes even overlapping the usual boundaries of medical practice (Jansen & Zwygart-Stauffacher, 2010). In the practical setting, this may include the advancement of nursing practice into radiology or diagnostics. Traditionally, the reading and interpreting laboratory and radiography results was the province of radiologists and diagnosticians; but now, some fields of advanced practice nursing now include radiology nursing and diagnostics. This strongly represents the advances in the nursing practice, where the nursing care has gone beyond independent

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Lobbying as Legitimate Aspect of Corporate Behavior Essay

Lobbying as Legitimate Aspect of Corporate Behavior - Essay Example It is a deliberate attempt on part of the lobbyists with the motive of influencing political decisions using various forms of advocacy and it is directed at the ones who form up these policies on behalf of another person, organization and/or group(s). There are clients who are either individual beings or organized interests such as businesses organizations, labour unions, organizations who work as not-for-profit and trade associations who hire lobbyists who do their work for them. In the organization, the lobbyist is hired in the Government Relations function or they can even be outside individuals or firms (Wood, 2002). The main purpose of the lobbyist is to develop various strategies and tactics so as to gain access, inform, influence and pressurize. These methods and strategies can be developed by designing a lobbying campaign. Lastly, it should be known that these lobbying campaigns are directed towards policy makers whose job is to make policies which affect the well being of th e client, the European Union public, all sorts of communities which exist on local, national and international levels plus the president and the future generations to come. Since their decisions affect a whole variety of people, lobbying is playing a very important role in this process. There can be many methods in which lobbyists do this. For example, they can do this by using their personal reputation, out of professional obligation or the rapport that they have cultivated overtime. These means are used to achieve political goals such as gaining the trust of the authorities so as to gain access so that the lobbyists can share his opinions and viewpoints which will influence their decisions in the making of the public policy (Wood, 2002). There can be other types of influences as well such as positional influence which depends on the place that a lobbyist has in the public realm in which he is expressing his viewpoint. (Karen, 1978) Moreover, it is a term which is highly controversial and is always regulated by the Government and specifically defined so that organized group lobbying does not take a negative aspect and misuse this term. The term lobbying has originated from the concept of everyone sitting in the lobbies and having a discussion before and after parliamentary debates in the Houses of Parliament. These discussions usually gave way to the fact that certain legislators could manipulate or influence others without even them knowing that they are getting influenced by the discussion. Lobbying is a very subliminal process. Clever and ethical lobbying results in winning a lot of thing for the organization, such as better strategies, efficient resources, fruitful recommendations for the company and helps in the compliance which is ongoing. Lobbying has always been a controversial term in the sense that people tend to think it leads to corruption and this is not false. Lobbying can change the mind set of an individual to a mind set that the individual himself does not want to adapt to. Therefore, many jurisdictions have been created which require that men who are playing the role of lobbyists get themselves formally registered with the authorities before they come in contact with the Government representations that they

Monday, August 26, 2019

INDIVIDUAL project plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

INDIVIDUAL project plan - Essay Example The immediate effect on the families includes affording basic needs among them clean food and education. The learned individuals would as well become a role model to other children in their respective communities. This would consequently improve the society well being and general economy. The project is funded with ?500 which is intended to successfully carry out a golf tournament event scheduled for 1st June 2013. The event is planned to attract more than 5000 interested individuals to raise more than ?600,000 to help fund education for various children living in deplorable conditions. Tables of Contents 1. Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.1.0 2. Business case†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦2.0 3. Need assessment†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...2.1 4. The significance of the project†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.2.2 5. Investigating alternatives†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦2.3 6. Evaluation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦2.4 7. Breakdown structure†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦3.0 8. Marketing†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..4.0 9. Network diagram †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..5.0 10. ... The problems have been perverse in three main cities. These include Pretoria, Cape Town and Johannesburg. It is well known that South Africa has the highest number of street children. Many governmental and non-governmental organizations in the world have attempted to curb the situation without a complete success. However, it is clear that most of the destitute children have reformed given the highest increment of students at both primary and secondary levels. Although these children attend school, it is reported that there have been a tendency of students boycotting classes without teachers' knowledge. It is further noticed that habit of bhang smoking has led to high level of students drop out. Many of them fail to join high school following the high level of dropout at the primary level. It is also realized that some students drop out of school as a result of malnutrition. Many families rarely experience three meals in a day. The families find it prudent to involve their children in their efforts to search for a meal. Girls are extremely affected as most of them are forced to involve in prostitution as well as working as house girls in well off families. These activities deny the girl child a chance to study as their counterparts. Through various researches done, it was found out that if a single student is provided with adequate fees to cater for boarding facilities it is likely that the levels of school absenteeism and dropout would significantly drop. This would ensure that the chance of a student completing a college course is meaningfully increased. Accordingly, the student would become a role model and furthermore help the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

H.W Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

H.W - Assignment Example If the appropriate discount rate is 7% annually, what is present value of the girl’s fortune? Suppose you are going to buy a car. The cost of car is $20,000. You have $8,000 for down payment. You can borrow the balance of $12,000 from dealership’s finance company at 2% APR, with monthly payment for 36 months or you can borrow from a bank with 8% APR monthly payment for 3 years, and receive a $2,000 rebate on the purchase price. Assume that if you take the rebate, you will apply it toward the purchase. Which alternative is better deal? You are preparing a vacation to Europe in the future. You plan to save $400 a month beginning today, and estimate you earn 0.5% per month on your savings. Your goal is to save $6,000. How long it take to save this amount? Bank of Land has student loan program starting today but requires no payments for 4 years. However, during this interest deferred period the loan accumulated interest at 6% rate, compounded quarterly. The bank amortizes the loan over ten year period, requiring quarterly payments and continuing charge 6% annual interest rate, compounded quarterly. What will be the quarterly payment will be on today’s loan of $30,000? Green Co. just paid dividend of $1 per share. The company predicts that the dividend will increase 5% for next 5 years and 3% thereafter forever. If your required rate of return is 8%, what price you should pay for the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Clinicl Pathology Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Clinicl Pathology - Coursework Example On the other hand, cells are the solid part of the blood. There are three types of cells present in the blood such as the red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Red blood cells (RBC) or erythrocytes are the enucleated, biconcave disc cells that makes the blood color red. They contain hemoglobin- a protein with iron component- that binds to the oxygen for transport throughout the body. The blood contains more RBC as compared to other kind of cells. According to Eadie and Brown Jr. (1953), the approximate life span of RBC is 100 to 120 days. White blood cells (WBC) or leukocytes are the cells involved in protecting the body from foreign bodies such as bacteria, viruses and parasites that were able to enter the body. There are two types of WBC, the granulocytes and the agranulocytes. Granulocytes are identified from agranulocytes for the presence of granules in the cells. There are three types of granulocytes, the neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils while there are two types of agranulocytes, the lymphocytes, and monocytes. Platelets or thrombocytes are the smallest cells in the blood. They function as the first group of cells to aggregate to the wounded blood vessels to stop the further leakage of blood components out of the vessel. The first test that is being taken during check up or diseases diagnosis is the blood test. There are many kind of blood test being performed today for different purposes. Some of the blood test discussed is red blood cell count, lactose tolerance test, haemoglobin, and prothrombin time test. Red blood cell count is done to measure the number of red blood cell per volume of blood. Different values of RBC per volume of blood indicate but not limited to either the presence of a disease, physical activity done, and dietary intake made. The altitude of the area of residence also affects the RBC count of individuals (Liknaitzky, 1933). Individuals living in higher

Friday, August 23, 2019

Is Small Beautiful Critically appraise management styles in small Essay

Is Small Beautiful Critically appraise management styles in small firms - Essay Example In reality, approaches to business management may be based on entrepreneurial constituents. These will ultimately describe at a greater depth articulate the small business field management, something that is the center of focus in this piece of writing. Entrepreneurial style of management in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is anticipated is associated with success. This means that, through the styles of management, a small business firm would experience a high growth from one level to another. It is true to say that entrepreneurial management is associated with type of firm; that is, growth rate. The growth rate in itself may be either high or low as Eugene, Hampson, Ian and Beryl (2003) explain in their work. This work will for sure check on variability that exists in small business firms and the kinds and their managerial styles. Literature Small firms are numerous and operational in virtually all parts of the globe. They have a sense of global competence, and a thought a bout them introduces a deal of effectiveness in terms of management and style. It is better to understand the meaning and the relationship that the managers of the firms have with those that help them run their business. In the first place, it is imperative to understand the meaning of entrepreneurship. ... Following the small nature of firms, they become easy to manage in the hunt for their growth and profitability. This comes because of innovative ideas and behaviors that an entrepreneur allies with. Character traits of an entrepreneur who is success oriented clearly spring up. They cover all most aspects of growth-targeted areas that we need to see in the entrepreneurs. We will consider the character traits in a broad manner to see how successful small business owners should operate. To begin with, there is so much to do with personality traits. This makes an entrepreneur legible enough to discern what to do at the very appropriate moment. Personality traits in any small business owner cannot allow for an exceptional thing that may ruin the business. Attitude of any small business owner boosts the general outcome of the business. In fact, a positive attitude has all it takes to see success in the business. In this regard, it instills a better level of self- effectiveness, strength of a higher order and so on. In many cases, eagerness to change according to the current situations that face SMEs is a real stepping-stone to success. This is better off when still when a small business owner shows a great deal of interest in getting involved in creativity and innovation. A business becomes so beautiful to manage in the sense where there is competition aggression and that burning need for success and achievement. Consequently, these are what constitute the logic of small business being beautiful. In a small business enterprise, planning is considerably easier. Its management is swift since it offers a friendly environment for the owners and their customers at large. This does not

Analysis of Hero Sara Crewe (Liesel Matthews) in the Film A Little Movie Review

Analysis of Hero Sara Crewe (Liesel Matthews) in the Film A Little Princess - Movie Review Example   The official hero â€Å"represented the American belief in collective action and the objective legal process that superseded private notions of right and wrong† (Ray 1). At first sight, Sara Crewe appears to embody the qualities of the official hero – a smart, pretty, young lady who possesses a strong moral and ethical grounding. Growing up to a rich family, she speaks French and has lived most of her childhood years in India. In the film, she constantly speaks about how much she loves her father, and how badly she misses her mother who passed away during childbirth. Sara is a picture of an honest, beautiful, and loving daughter who seemed to have everything. Ray also talks about how the official hero embodies â€Å"the best attributes of adulthood: sound reasoning and judgment [and] wisdom and sympathy based on experience† (2). Sara, as young as she was, maybe childish at times but she often comes across as an adult trapped in an adolescent body. In a letter to her father, she writes about the strict rules in the school that she reluctantly follows but, nevertheless, believes that those rules are there for a reason. Although the rebelling heart is there, the young mind of Sara is willing to understand and accept rules displaying a certain degree of maturity and sound judgment. â€Å"The official heroes were predominantly worldly, comfortable in society, and willing to undertake even those public duties demanding personal sacrifice† (Ray 3). Sara knows very well the class segment she belongs to – an heiress to a British father who mined precious stones for business. Her father constantly tells her in the film that she is a princess. Possessing these worldly qualities, however, Sara keeps her feet on the ground and treats everyone as her equal. Upon learning that the black servant girl, Becky (Vanessa Lee Chester), was not allowed to speak with the students, Sara went out of her way to give Becky a pair of new shoes. That s mall gesture started the relationship that eventually blossomed into a lifelong friendship between the two. 3. The Outlaw Hero Qualities of Sara Crewe While some qualities of Sara make her an official hero, she is predominantly driven by outlaw hero qualities. First, Sara is driven by â€Å"whims, tantrums, and emotional decisions† that characterize an outlaw hero (Ray 1). In one scene in the film, Miss Minchin (Eleanor Bron) tells Sara that jewelries are not allowed in the class. Sara pleads to be allowed to wear the necklace in her room instead, and gets instant approval from Miss Minchin. Sara’s little whims and tantrums are somehow an indicator of her rebellious heart. In a reading class, after seeing her classmates doze on and off while listening to the reader, Sara changes the plot of the story and inserts make-believe characters. This wakes up her sleepy classmates and at the same time irritates Miss Minchin.  

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Play Production In The Greek & Elizabethan Eras Essay Example for Free

Play Production In The Greek Elizabethan Eras Essay The contemporary Greek play was an amalgamation of several artistic tools like pictures for example the one shown below which conveyed strong message to the audience. There were numerous other scenic elements used in the Greek theater. When a crane was used (called machina in Greek), it gave an impression of an airborne actor. A wheeled wagon was also common in the Greek playhouses and it made it possible for the audience to view dead characters. Openings in the ground, for example trap doors, were vital as they were used to elevate people onto the stage. Pictures like the one above, pinakes, were used to demonstrate a scenes backdrop. Satyr plays were very common in the Greek playhouses just as were the tragedies. Phallic props were used in such plays to symbolize fertility in of the Roman and the Greek god of wine- Dionysus. Elizabethan acting was not any near ‘naturalistic.’ The repertory of the Elizabethan era was extremely divergent from that of the present as was the demands on Elizabethan actors compared to the present day’s actors. Elizabethan theaters in two weeks could frequently present â€Å"eleven shows of ten dissimilar plays†. Playhouses would not show again the same play two days in a row. The Elizabethan Era was moment that reflected the atmosphere and values of the 16th century through the application of fashion. It was a phase where a lot of uniqueness and originality was manifest and was used to produce fresh styles of dress. The style in Elizabethan England at this time replicated the worth and principles of the era. The physical theatre spaces, sets, Costumes, Lights, Who would be in the audience Much may not be available to talk about the performance space for the Greek plays. This because all that is available for consultation is basically the works of literature. However, the Greek performances took place in theaters which could be subdivided into three: Athenian, Graeco-Roman and Hellenistic. In the Elizabethan era the theater consisted of theater not only as a form of art but also as a form of institution as well. There was originality then as evidenced in dressing styles and the costumes. However, the Elizabethan playhouse never made use of prolific or lavish scenery, but as an alternative the stage was left largely exposed with a few key props, the chief visual appeal on stage was in the costumes. Costumes were habitually brilliant in color and visually enchanting. Costumes were expensive, nonetheless, so generally players wore fashionable clothing in spite of the time interlude of the play. Intermittently, a lead character would be dressed in a conventionalized edition of more historically accurate apparel, but secondary characters would nevertheless remain in fashionable attire- (Bracewell, N. 1999). The Greek theaters were filled with Athenians who formed a majority of the judges (audience). There was an extremely large audience who were won by the playwrights through distribution of small gifts and flattery as well. Dealing with rowdy (in the strict sense of being extremely loud) was a challenge the playwrights had learned to deal with through performance of some outrageous and interesting act to draw the attention of the spectators. What might be the topic of a play in theater?   What was not acceptable as a topic for a play? The Greek plays circulated around tragedies, comedies or satyrs. This was also the case with Elizabethan era whose plays got much support fro the queen. In the Greek era women were forbidden from acting thus all the actors then were men. In terms of the experience, in relation to the Elizabethan era, the religiosity of the community or the individual played a major role. However, most of those who went to the theaters enjoyed dancing and playing other games like cards. In the Greek era, it was quite a motivating factor that every day of performance there had to be at least totally different issue or subject matter of performance. It would therefore motivate audience who crowded the Athenian theaters to have their full experience. In this era too, the experience of an individual was wholly or jointly dependent on the social class of the community or individual. The higher caste would have their best when it comedy while the lower class individuals were little more violent- (Ruben F. 2006).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Relationship Between Marketing Mix Elements

Relationship Between Marketing Mix Elements Business today is very competitive, any organizations are facing with many pressures: Changeable and unpredictable business environment, very fast change of technology, to be survival, developed and successful requires company have to move from a product and selling philosophy to a customer and marketing philosophy(Kotler et al., 2005). All companies try to gain the best of the customer satisfaction to maximize the profit because they believe that customer satisfaction is very important for the survival of any organization. Many research shows that consequences of customer satisfaction are numerous: Customer satisfaction leads to positive word-of-mouth (Anderson, 1998; Swan and Oliver, 1989; Hoyer and MacInnis, 2001)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦), customer satisfaction leads to customer retention (Curtis et al., 2012; Hennig, 1997; Kotler, 1994, p.20; Bitner, 1990), customer satisfaction leads to loyalty (Curtis et al., 2012; Singh, 2006), Customer leads to repurchase attention (Anton, 1996). The question for companies is how to enhance the customer satisfaction? Which factors impact on customer satisfaction and this relationship is negative or positive? To answer all these questions, companies will have the appropriate strategies for success. Many researches show that there are many factors that affect customer satisfaction. According to Hokanson (1995), these factors including friendly employees, courteous employees, knowledgeable employees, helpful employees, accuracy of billing, billing timeliness, competitive pricing, service quality, good value, billing clarity and quick service impact on customer satisfaction. It is obviously that all these factors belong to Marketing mix. Moreover Doyle also recommends that Most marketing professionals would answer that the right marketing mix is the one that maximizes customer satisfaction and results in the highest sales or market share (Doyle, 2003) also suggests that customer satisfaction and sales can always be increased if c ompanies offer more product features, lower prices than competition, higher promotional budgets and the immediate availability of the product, of outstanding customer service and support (Doyle, 2003). Ford Motor Company is global automotive industry leader in the world based on US. Ford has its history of 109 years for existing and developing. Fords strategy is focus on developing vehicles that deliver exceptional value to our customers across global markets. Ford product vehicles sport bold exterior designs, while offering great handling and performance. Not only are they great to drive with interior enhancements in comfort and connectivity but fuel economy across every vehicle in our portfolio is a reason to buy(Ford, np) Ford worldwide market share reported end of 2011: 7.3%, regional Ford North America: 17.3%, Ford Europe 8.3%, Ford Asia South Pacific: 2.7%, South America 8.3% Ford Vietnam is a joint venture established in 1995 between Ford Motor Company (75%) and Song Cong Diesel Company (25%). Cumulative market share up to SEP 2012 is in fifth position with 5.3%, meanwhile, two market leaders, Truong Hai and Toyota gain 30.9% and 29.1%. Fords market share in Vietnam is nearly double in comparison with its regional market share Asia South Pacific. But the gap between Ford and two market leaders in Vietnam is very huge. Since, Fords products are diversified ranging from low end to high end compared with its big competitor that is Toyota. Fords products are known as full family of vehicles offering leading quality, fuel efficiency, safety, smart design and value (Ford, np). This big gap excites the researcher to evaluate the level of customer satisfaction of Ford Car users in Vietnam, explore what factors impact on this customer satisfaction by testing the relationship between marketing mix elements and customer satisfaction of Ford Car users in Vietnam. Beside some reasons above, marketing mix and customer satisfaction are two theories that researcher is very interesting to study. Finally, topic of research can be named as below: Exploring the relationship between marketing mix elements and customer satisfaction of Ford Car users in Vietnam 1.2 Research objectives The researcher intends to study on Ford auto customer satisfaction in Vietnam to evaluating the level of customer satisfaction and testing the relationship between marketing mix elements and customer satisfaction of Ford auto users with below objectives: To study the knowledge of marketing mix, its element and customer satisfaction concept. To examine the relationship between marketing mix elements and customer satisfaction of Ford auto in Vietnam To measure the level of customer satisfaction of Ford auto in Vietnam To recommend some effective solutions to improve the marketing mix to gain higher level of customer satisfaction. 1.3 Research questions In order to have a clearly understand of all queries about the topic regarding to relationship between marketing mix and Ford users customer satisfaction. This research tries to answer below questions: Is there possible relationship between marketing mix and customer satisfaction of Ford Car users in Vietnam? What is the level of customer satisfaction of Ford auto in Vietnam In what way is the marketing mix can be improved to enhance Fords customer satisfaction in Vietnam. 1.4 The significance of study Many academic research are conducted in testing the relationship between marketing mix and customer satisfaction in different areas, especially in service sector such as: Tourist, university, cafà ©, banking,..But a few of them are found the automobile industry. Moreover, most of academic research is out of Vietnam market. Although the study result reflects somewhat the real situation of level of customer satisfaction on Ford users in Vietnam, but the target population is quite small and limited in small region, so that the research findings and result only is used for reference or partly apply in the customer satisfaction enhancement for Ford Motor Vietnam or suggesting for further research in future. 1.5 Boundary of the study Auto market in Vietnam is quite huge, due to geographical dispersion and time constraint, the researcher only conducts the survey on customers who own Ford Car in Ho Chi Minh City. Furthermore, the respondents seem very busy with the things. The study focuses on 4 elements of marketing mix and their impact on customer satisfaction. So the result only presents partly for auto market in Vietnam. 1.6 The organization the study à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Chapter 1, the introduction part of research including background of study, why the researcher choose this topic, the research aims and objectives is given, the research questions is identified, the significant of study is discussed, Finally how this research can be applied in practices, the boundary of study and structure of study are presented. In the Chapter 2, the literature review related to marketing, marketing mix and its elements, customer satisfaction, the relationships between customer satisfaction and marketing mix, the recommended solutions for improving marketing mix elements in order to gain high level of customer satisfaction The Chapter 3 provides the methodology and procedures which used to collect data for the study. The researcher will perform the surveys with the customers who are using Ford Car in Vietnam, by this survey, researcher will measure the level of customer satisfaction, to explore the relationship between marketing mix elements and customer satisfaction. By this study, the author will use quantitative method to design the questionnaires and use them during the surveys. These data will be the main data to support the answer of the second and third research question. The researcher will conduct one survey which will be conducted with customers who are using the car of Ford to evaluate the level of customer satisfaction and explore the relationship between marketing mix and customer satisfaction. The purpose of this survey is to get the quantitative data to support the answer for the second and third research questions, whereby to give the best solutions for improving marketing mix effectively for Ford Vietnam in enhance its customer satisfaction. In the chapter 4, Microsoft excel 2007 and SPSS 16 software will be used to input all the raw data of the respondents and do the analysis, statistic and present them using table, charts, or graphic. Then the researcher will analyse and discuss the findings base on the responses. And present the meaning and reason of the result as well as link with the knowledge in the literature review to support the answers for the research questions and achieve the research objectives. Chapter 5 contains a summary of the findings of this research; providing the conclusions for the findings and discussion and suggest for further research. The reflective statement will be in the Appendix A which provides the reflection on research results and personal development that the researcher had gained from this study. The following pages will present the chapter Review of the Literature that will review all existing literatures and knowledge to support data to achieve the objectives of this research. Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Chapter Introduction According to Saunders et al. (2007) A critical review of the literature review is critical part of any research. It is necessary to help the researcher to develop a thorough understanding of and insight to previous researches that related to research questions and objectives. By critically discussing, evaluating what are strengths and weakness, referencing works or studies that has already been undertake, drawing out key points and presenting them in logically argued way. To complete the literature reviewing, the researcher has not only the skill of search relevant knowledge but also appraise it. Sharp et al. (2002 cited in Saunders et al. 2007) suggests that there are two major reasons exist for reviewing the literature: Firstly, the preliminary search that help to generate and refine the research ideas. Secondly, often referred to as the critical review or critical literature review, Moreover, Saunders et al. (2007) emphasizes that any researches and finding will be judged in relation to others peoples research and finding. Main purpose of literature review is to help researcher to develop a good understanding and insight into relevant previous research and the trends that have emerged. Gall et al (2002, quoted in Saunders et al.,2007) provides some other purposes of literature review such as: To help researcher refine further the research question and objectives To highlight research possibilities that has been overlooked implicitly in research to date, To discover explicit recommendations for further research To help researcher avoid simply repeating work that has been done already, To sample current opinions in newspapers, professional and trade journals, thereby gaining insight in to the aspects of the research questions and objectives that are considered newsworthy, Discover and provide an insight into research approaches, strategies and techniques which are appropriate to own research questions and objectives. It could be said that most of researches argue that the critical review is very necessary. Briefly, review the literature relates to: Searching academic research, theories which must be relevant to research questions and objectives. Profound understanding, critical review, give arguments, appraisal, evaluating, discussing, referencingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ But it is not just descript and list down the any literatures. Comment: the above paragraph is not necessary! This chapter aims to provide a theoretical background bases on existing academic knowledge for research topic Exploring the relationship between marketing mix elements and customer satisfaction of Ford auto in Vietnam. By doing this, the researcher could further refine three research questions and four research objectives which had been specified in Chapter 1 to highlight research possibilities that have been overlooked, discover explicit recommendations for further research. It helps to avoid repetition to sample current opinions, provide an insight into appropriate research strategies and methodologies. A good literature review expands on the reasons behind selecting a particular research question. Thus the researcher plans to find a strong theoretical foundation provided for the study from a wide range of sources which relates to previously published researches: Books, journals, some ideas in newspaperà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, then assess the strengths and weaknesses of previous works, jus tifying arguments by referencing previous researches. The sources of literatures were cited following the required standard. In this Chapter, some hypotheses will be proposed for testing to answer research questions and archive research objectives in Chapter 1. Marketing Marketing is very critical for every business. Kotler, (2002) suggests that the scope of marketing relates to ten types of entities: Goods, services, experiences, events, persons, places, properties, organizations, information, and ideas. It shows that marketing gets involved to all activities of the business from identify the customers and customer needs, creating product and services, communicating to customers, sell its products to target customers, making its customers satisfiedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The researches and studies regarding marketing are numerous. Below are some definitions about marketing concept. An earliest definition of marketing is the performance of business activities that direct a flow of goods or services from producers to consumers (AMA,1935). This concept generally mentions about performance of activities, but these activities were not clarified, the concept is quite wide with simply mention about goods and services from producer to consumers. Since marketing becomes an interest topic that many scholars get involved to study. A lot of definitions were come up by researchers: Perreault McCarthy (2002), Kotler P Levy SJ (1969); Kotler et al. (2005) Another concept of marketing which get many opposed debates is that Marketing is simply figuring out what you have to do to sell your product or service for a profit Keefe (2004 p.17). Generally, the most accepted recently is the newest definition of AMA is that Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, cli ents, partners, and society at large (AMA,2007). 2.2 Marketing mix concept The term of marketing mix firstly developed by Bornden (1964), the sources of his inspiration come from the concept of his colleague Jame Culliton (1948, cited in Borden, 1984) which described the business executive is a mixer of ingredients, the marketing elements are the same with ingredients and marketing manager mixes some of these together to become the marketing mix strategy. Borden (1964) also identified twelve controllable elements of marketing mix: Product planning, pricing, branding, channel of distribution, personal selling, advertising, promotion, packaging, display, servicing, physical handling, fact finding and analysis. This is a list of elements or ingredients to make up a marketing program. Depending on each situation, the marketing manager will blend the number of these elements to constructing and formulating an appropriate marketing program to satisfy their customer needs and wants in target market. By this way, both company and customers objectives are achieved. McCarthy (1964) regroups twelve elements of Borden to four categories or usually called 4Ps now: Product, price, promotion, place. Each of these elements comprises some of 12 elements of Borden. And some research also suggested that if manage this mix properly, company will be successful. Mccarthys concept of marketing mix rapidly began to appear in marketing text. Judd (1987) suggested one more new important P is People. Furthermore, Boom Bitner (1981) extend 4Ps to 7Ps, he argues that product and service are different, so 4Ps is inadequate, so it is new marketing mix paradigm for service is: Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, physical evident and process. The later definition is that marketing mix is the controllable variables the company puts together to satisfy its target group (Perreault MCCarthy, 2002). This definition is similar with definition is tha marketing mix is the set of controllable tactical marketing tools product, price, place and promotion that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market (Kotler et al., 2005). Both definitions mentioned about controllable factors to satisfy the customer in target market. Each mix element includes its factors as below Product: Variety, quality, design, feature, brand name, packaging, service, warranty. Price: List price, discount, allowance, payment period, credit term. Place: Channel, coverage, assortment, location, inventory, transport. Promotion: Advertising, promotion, personal selling, publicity. Kotler et al. (2005) also suggested that: An effective marketing program blend marketing mix elements into a coordinated programme design to achieve the companys marketing objective. When marketing mix concept is introduced, there are many researches to evaluate and criticise on it. Constantinides (2006) identified two significant limitations of marketing mix is internal orientations and lack of personalization. Both Gronroos (1989) and Popovic (2006) suggest that the 4 Ps and the marketing mix are production-oriented definitions, companies focus much on internal product, the market may be neglected. According to Mà ¶ller (2006) marketing mix too focus internally instead of customer behavior. Many researches show that the limitations of marketing are on: Production-oriented or too focusing on internal instead of standing on customer point of view. Therefore, Kotler et al. (2005) recognizes that 4Ps represent sellers view of marketing tool available for influencing buyer, it is not from customer point of view. In fact that each marketing tool must deliver a customer benefit, company should view 4Ps as customers 4Cs: Product: Customer need and want, Price: Cost to the customer, Place: Convenience, Promotion: Communication. Doyle (2000) argues that marketing mix approach leads to unprofitable decisions, because it is coordinated with financial objectives such as: Increasing shareholder value. Kotler (1984) proposes two additional Ps of political power and Public Relation to the marketing mix to cover more factors that is important for business as well, those are Political power and Public Relation. According to Schultz (2001) the 4 Ps are increasingly less relevant in todays market, despite of what they are still learned in marketing courses, academics write and res each about them Since marketing becomes a vital role in success of any business. Many researches are conducted on marketing mix and its element, more extend elements are suggested, it is obviously that marketing mix or some researches show many limitations or debates, but marketing mix is still the practice model to deploy company strategies effectively. And up to date, there is no any new models can completely replace for marketing mix 4P. 2.3 Marketing mix elements 2.3.1 Product A product as defined by Armstrong and Kotler (2005) that is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. The latter can be best understood in terms of the manner of delivery of the particular service. Ferrell (2005) opines that the product is the core of the marketing mix strategy where retailers can offer unique attributes that differentiates their product from their competitors. According to Borden (1984) product is characterized by quality, design, features, brand name and sizes Also from Kotler et al.,( 2005) product can be divided into two categories: Tangible and intangible product, the tangible product is a merchandise that can be touched, hand, feel it, the intangible product or normally call service, which could not be touched or hand, unobservable. Product concept in this research refers to tangible product that is a car of Ford auto Vietnam. According to Kotler et al, (2005), product concept is including: Core product, augmented product and actual product. Core product regarding to main problem solving benefit or core benefit that consumer really wants to buy. When they obtain, this product will resolve their problems. The main purpose of buying a car is for travelling, safety and protection for health. The actual product is related to: Parts, features, design, product quality, styling, brand name and packaging or some more attribute that combined to core benefit of product. For a car, these attributes are most important for manufacturer attract and retain its customers The augmented product which including: Additional consumer service or benefit build around the core and actual product: Solution, warranty and repair service, instruction how to install or using, help desk, call center, free delivery. In those attributes, customer service and repair is more important that auto manufacturing have to pay attention. In order to satisfy the need of customer, the product designer have to consider all three components of product, because customer expect to buy three of benefit and they feel happy or satisfy when gain enough all the benefit. Many researches tried to find down the impacts of all above attributes of product to customer satisfaction. Kotler et al. (2005) suggested that Outstanding marketing companies go out of their way to keep their customers satisfied. Companies know that satisfied customers make repeat purchases and tell others about their good experiences with the product. Regarding to product quality and customer service factors in automotive industry in India, Asghar et al. (2011) found that the quality of products in Tata Motors Company enhances customer satisfaction, and also found that there is a positive relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the context of the Indian automotive industry. Product quality is one of factor of Product in marketing mix. The research shows that the more customers satisfied with quality of product, the more loyal they are with this product. And this may lead to the repurchasing companys product. Customer service is also a factor of Product element, since it becomes very important for any manufacturing company, especially in auto industry. Bastos and Gallego (2008) also provide evidence that customer service quality directly affects satisfaction and satisfaction directly affects the positive behavioral intentions. Rodoula (2005) finds that consumers perceiving a product being of high quality are more satisfied with the product than consumers perceiving a product being of low quality. There are a positive relationship between perceived quality and customer satisfaction in Shoes industry. It is suggested by Lien-Ti and Yuching (2001) that there is a positive relationship between product quality and customer satisfaction on automotive industry. Yelkur (2000) also finds that the critical elements in the services marketing mix influence and positively effects customer satisfaction. Moreover, the relationship between marketing and customer satisfaction is highly expressed among researchers (Zineldin Philipson, 2007). Cengiz and Yayla (2007) find that marketing mix having a positive effect on satisfaction and loyalty on word of mouth communication from accounting offices in Turkey. Mohammad et all (2012) suggests that Product and tourists Satisfaction are positively related to each other. Although not all attributes of product such as: Quality, designà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ were tested if any relationship or impact on customer satisfaction, but at least, there are so many studies show that product generally positive impact on customer satisfaction, and quality of product, customer service were tested, especially in automotive industry. So far there are no any research found that no any relationship between Product element or its factors with customer satisfaction. Or the negative impact of Product on customer satisfaction. So in this research the author tries to do the research the relationship between Fords product which were sold in Vietnam market and its customer satisfaction. So the hypothesis will be proposed as below: H1: There is a positive relationship between Fords Product and its customer satisfaction. 2.3.2 Price Price is one of very important element in marketing mix and the only element that produce the revenue to company. Price is very the most flexible element in mix, it can be change very fast to adapt with every stage of product life cycle, or to stimulate demand in short time, or can reduce to support selling of other product in production line or set to keep loyalty of customer. So that pricing may play an important role in helping to accomplish the companys objectives at many levels. (Kotler et al., 2005. p.668). Price decisions must be coordinated with product design, distribution and promotion decisions to form a consistent and effective marketing program. The definion of price that is the amount of money charged for a product or service, or the total values that consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service(Kotler et al, 2005) Similarly with Product element, Price also gets many scholars involved to study the relationship with customer satisfaction. A research of Oliver Swan, (1989) shows that perceptions of price unfairness lead to dissatisfaction and the purchase intention is influenced by satisfaction. This was consolidated by later search of Campbell (1999) that perception of price unfairness may trigger consumers negative emotions such as dissatisfaction, disappointment, and anger. So as a result, customers do not come back for repurchasing this product any more. Augene (1996) investigated the association between customer satisfaction and willing-to-pay or price tolerance, the finding shows that negative association between level of customer satisfaction provided by company and the degree of Price tolerance. In the telecommunication sector, Muzammil et al. (2010), also finds that both the factors Price fairness and customer service significantly contributed to explain customer satisfaction but compar atively price fairness had the larger impact on customer satisfaction than customer services. In another study of Herrmann et al.,(2007) on automobile concludes that customer satisfaction is directly influenced by price perceptions while indirectly through the perception of price fairness , demonstrate the influence of perceived price fairness on satisfaction judgments, Buyers price perceptions positively influences their perceptions of the fairness of price offers. Price is an important element in consumers purchases; therefore it has a large influence on consumer satisfaction judgments. Homburg et al., (2005) investigates the effects of price increases at an individual level, the authors argued that customers react to price increases are strongly driven by two factors: the magnitude of the price increase and the perceived fairness of the motive for the price increase. Soedijati Pratminingsih (2011) indicated that marketing mix has significant and positive relationship with students decision making for selecting a university for marketing mix. Another research of Muala Qurneh (2012) on Tourist sector shows that product, place, personnel and process significant impact on tourist satisfaction. It is less impact of Price on customer satisfaction, or it could be said that there is no any relationship with customer satisfaction. Because the tourists usually expect more on quality of tourist, instead considering price carefully. Martin Consuegra (2007) finds price fairness influences price acceptance indirectly through customer satisfaction and loyalty. According to Cheng et al (2011, consumers perceived price has a negative impact on customer satisfaction, which is that the higher the fast food industry product price is, the more it will reduce customer satisfaction. This result is consistent with the study result of Dargay (2007), and Hopkins (2007). Moreover, Cheng and Wu (2011) finds that when price increase reduces customer satisfaction in the global service market. Price increases as same as customers perceived price increase, it means that price fairness reduces. As a result, customers become dissatisfied with company goods or service. Kotler and Lane (2009) also proposed that there is a positive relationship between perceived price fairness and satisfaction. The more consumers perceive a price as gain, the higher their satisfaction. These findings also supports the idea that higher price may reduce customer satisfaction or consumption capacity. Martin-Consuegra et al. (2007) asserts that decision of customers to accept parti cular price relate directly to satisfaction level. Research on how price impact on customer satisfaction is very huge, most studies show that having the strong impact of Price and customer satisfaction in many areas, and this is the positive relationship. The more customer perceived fairness (or less customer perceived price), the more increase in customer satisfaction. The hypothesis will be tested at below: H2: There is the positive relationship between price of Ford auto and its customer satisfaction. 2.3.4 Place According to Kotler et al.,(2005) Place related to all the company activities that make the product or service available to target customers. Place refers to channel, coverage, assortment, location, inventory, transport. In the service sector, Place decisions refer to the ease of access which potential customer to a service such as location (distance to services sites) and distribution (e.g., home delivery, 24-hour availability) (Hirankitti et al., 2009). As same as with Product and Price, there are many previous researches to test the relationship between Place and customer satisfaction. Cheng et al., (2011) found that convenience has a positive impact on fast food industry customer satisfaction. It indicated that the more convenient, the more customer satisfaction will increase. This study result has corresponded with the study conclusion of Mahon et al. (2006) and Martinez-Ruiz et al. (2010). Gilaninia et al. (2012) also finds that the supply chain management has direct relationsh ip with customer satisfaction. Mohammad et all (2012) points out that Place and customer satisfaction are positively related to each other. According to Kotler and Amstrong (2010) when channel is used in marketing system that maximizes efficiency, effectiveness, maximizes costs and delivers the great customer satisfaction for companies, because the channel is link between producers and final consumers. Palmer (2000) also believes that physical distribution (order processing, warehousing, inventory, transport) affect on customer satisfaction. Ryu Han (2009) proposed that customers perception of physical environment factors: facility aesthetics, lighting, layout, and social factors had significant effects on disconfirmation and disconfirmation directly influence to cust

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Reasons for the Defeat of the Germans

Reasons for the Defeat of the Germans Reasons for the Defeat of the Germans and the Results of Victory 17 January 1945 Entry of the Soviets in Warsaw 13 February Destruction of Dresden 25 April Meeting of the Soviet an US forces 2May Storming of the Reichstag, end of the Battle of Berlin 8 May German unconditional surrender Took an unexpectedly long time- it was obvious by late 1944 and victory seemed imminent with the Germans retreating on all fronts. The victory was delayed due to the insistence on an unconditional surrender (no armistice) by the allies and Stalin feared his allies would make a separate peace so the unconditional surrender was partly to reassure him. Stalin wanted to win the race for Berlin before the Americans.   Pushed west at maximum pace liberating Warsaw, Budapest, Prague and Vienna. Continuous all-out full frontal assaults, regardless of casualty counts. Allied Supreme Commander General Eisenhower allowed the Soviets to win to minimise casualties and clashes with the USSR. March 27th, 1934 slow the advance order. By early 1945 the German war effort was badly weakened by the mass bombings of cities such as Dresden which where industrial hubs. The Red army reached the outskirts of Berlin and met the USA at Torgau on the Elbe. Final battle of Berlin. General Zhukov used tactics that caused very high losses. For Stalin, the defeat was as much military as political. He wished to control as much of Central Europe and Germany providing a buffer zone against any future threats The symbol of victory was the storming of the Reichstag on 2nd May 1945. Reasons for the Defeat of the Germans Soviet Strength: The USSRs geographical size made it effectively impossible for a knock-out blow. German forces constantly faced the problems of being dangerous overstretched and the lines of communication. The size allowed new armies and industrial bases to be built beyond reach. Population (171,000,000 in 1941) nearly three times Germanys (Hitler did have the annexed populations too), the USSR could sacrifice men in a way impossible for the Germans. Vast natural resources (oil)m the longer the war went on the stronger the Soviet military-industrial power became, outproducing the Germans in everything by 1943. Command Economy established before the war, well-suited to total war and the emergency mobilisation of workers and resources. Leadership, after a bad start the USSR became ruthlessly effective, Stalin was a very capable war leader and his generals became highly competent, Propaganda and patriotism motivated the armed forces and civilians to fight and endure. German weaknesses: Failure of the rapid initial victory. December 1941, two front war. Germany lacked self-sufficiency, by 1943 to 1944 war production depended on all-out exploitation of dwindling economic and human resources. Hitler made strategic mistakes sacking best generals in favour of yes men. Abolished the War ministry replacing it with a high council he headed installing von Brauchitsch and Keitel to replace Fritsch. No winter coats. Germans alienated the nationalities provoking resistance and partisans. Allied Contribution: Dangerous threat to Hitler on other fronts (two front war) Mass bombing campaigns by British and Americans from 1943 caused huge damage to German industry weakening the resources available to fight on the Eastern Front. Allied secret intelligence gained via code breaking undermined German effort at crucial times (Stalin never informed directly) Enormous amounts of military and economic aid. Results of victory for the USSR: Emerges at the new world superpower, galvanised the USSR and unleashed its huge economic potential. The war badly weakened other European powers and made the USSR dominant militarily. Germany as the main enemy was: occupied, economically destroyed and likely to be demilitarised. For the regime, it was the glow of victory; that vindicated the communist ideology, offering a road to socialism as a replacement for fascism and an alternative system for capitalism. Massive territorial expansion incorporating: the Baltic states and parts of East Prussia. They also took over many East Central European countries that were weak and established pro-Soviet regimes. Also, caused one of the largest migrations in history 12,000,000 refugees, mostly ethnic Germans fled between 1944-1945 as the Red Army advanced. Despite the extent of the victory fears and insecurity remained. Stalin was anxious about the economic power of the USA. Feared a resurgent Germany (he wanted to break in into 300 independent states and make them farmland to supply food to Moscow) Feared and distrusted his own people and repressed any who returned including soldiers and prisoners of war. Disagreements on the Four-Power Occupation of Berlin, even after the moment of victory it was obvious an overall peace would be difficult. Germany drawn into 4 occupation zones (Soviet, French, American, British). Berlin was entirely within the Soviet Zone but was divided into 4 zones ruled by a Joint Allied Control Commission. Led to recurrent disputes between the USSR and the West. BUT AT A MASIVE PRICE: Post-war Reconstruction: The industry was devastated, not least in part due to the war claiming 1/8of the population and causing massive dislocation. Stalin promised in 1945 that the USSR would become the leading industrial power by 1960. Gosplan was instructed to prepare the 4th Five Year Plan for economic recovery. Set ambitious targets for industry (85%) and agriculture. 1/3 expenditure to be spent on the Ukraine which had been mostly devastated by the war. Very important for industry and agriculture. Stalin set out to exceed pre-war levels by three times to recovery, causing an upswing in the economy allowing for rationing to be abolished and for consumer goods to be produced! Industry: Much of the industry needed to be switched away from military and back to the civilian economy. Industry struggled to adjust to peace in 1946: Mining: down over 50% 1940 Electricity production: down 48% Steel: down 55% Transport: widely disrupted. Workforce: diminished, exhausted. Problems intensified by the sudden ending of Foreign aid (Lend Lease) 08/1945. Despite the difficulties by 1950 there was considerable industrial recovery: 1940 1945 1950 Coal (Tons) 165.9 149.3 261.1 Oil (Tons) 31.1 19.3 37.9 Steel (Tons) 18.3 12.3 27.3 Cement (Tons) 5.7 1.3 10.1 Electricity (Kilowatts) 48.3 43.2 91.2 The Soviets demanded the fulfilment of full war reparations from enemy countries, even those who had pro-Soviet governments. Huge amounts of material and equipment travelled East (mostly scrap metal) from occupied Germany. Sometimes entire factories and workers were moved to Russia, the effect of this is probably small however. Under the 4th five-year plan recovery was impressive: Steady increase in consumer goods. Rebuilding of the heavy industry. Some steady living standard growth. By 1948 wages reached 1938 levels. Agriculture: DEVASTATED: Gosplan figures of losses: Kolkhoz: 98,000 Tractors: 137,000 Combine Harvesters: 49,000 Horses: 7,000,000 (meat and war) Cattle: 17,000,000 Pigs: 20,000,000 Sheep: 27,000,000 Food: -60% 1940 levels. Poor prospects hindered by: Sever labour shortage as many peasants were the body of the army (27,000,000 people dead overall does not take in those injured) Scorched earth policy hurts the Ukrainian bread basket. Only 75% land cultivated in 1940 was cultivated in 1945. 1946 driest year since 1891, and the HARVEST WAS POOR ONTOP OF THIS! Led to some regions experiencing famine: Famine of 1946-1947 began in Ukraine and Central Russia (Stalins most hated areasà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) physical aspect not helped by dislocation caused by the war, especially shortage of labourers and lack of machinery. Nothing on the stage of the Great Famineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Khrushchev claimed that in both Stalin exported grain abroad rather than relieving the famine. Letter to local Politburo representative on the management of a collective farm in Western Siberia September 1948 adapted by Noah: Why should we give you everything and not receive a gram back, undermining the economy of collective farms. We realise that during the war the grain was needed to supply the army and we gladly gave up everything. We had poor harvests in 45, 46, 47 but we gave everything for the recovery. How come in 1948 we cant keep some? We hoped that after achieving quota we could give out one kilo per work day, with these collections taking more than the quota we have nothing, there is not enough seed to sow for 1949, we dont see a crumb of bread and live off potato. The recovery: Was slow and patchy, the 4-5YP bought some increases but failed to reach targets. By Stalins death the agricultural sector was unsatisfactory but some areas recovered better. However, the famine cycle in Russia was broken 0 famine since 1947. One major thing holding back recovery was Stalin himself: His book: Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR 1952. The writings were undeniable and this discouraged innovation and change. After Stalins death, the successors felt they had to introduce reforms and concessions to peasant farmers to alleviate their problems. 1940 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 Grain (tons) 95.6 65.9 67.2 70.2 81.2 78.7 92.2 Potatoes (tons) 76.1 74.5 95 89.6 88.5 58.7 69.2 Cotton (tons) 2.2 1.7 2.2 2.5 3.5 3.7 3.8 Cattle (m head) 28 23 23.8 24.2 24.6 24.3 25.0 Speech at the Supreme Soviet by Georgii Malenkov, published in Izvestia, 09/07/1953 (post Stalin GM in temporary control), adapted by Noah: Until now [Stalins death] we have not been able to develop light industry and the food industry at the same pace as heavy. We are obliged to ensure more rapid improvement in peoples living standards. We must significantly increase the output of consumer goods and in grain production. We need to reduce compulsory quotas from collective farms and reduce agricultural taxes. Summary: War was won at a great cost. But vindicated Stalins role as leader. Post-war reconstruction was more successful than may have been expected in 1945 amid the ruins.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Social Promotion VS. Retention Essay -- Essays Papers

Social Promotion VS. Retention Abstract Social promotion and retention are used for various reasons. Retention is implemented when students have not met the general requirements to begin the next grade. The question that will be addressed is how do social promotion and retention differ? The overall meaning of both will be addressed to give the reader a better understanding of the two. Social promotion is the practice of promoting a student to the next grade level even if the minimum academic factors have not been satisfied. Retention is the approach that is most widely practiced. This is the retention of a grade to reinforce academics. The pros and cons, static’s, and drop out rates will be discussed. All of these factors will be addressed so that the reader can be aware of the opinions on the issues. This critical issue of Social Promotion and retention is a hard one to figure out. Exactly what is social promotion? Social Promotion is the practice of promoting students to the next grade level regardless of their academic progress. How serious id this issue? It is so serious that California, Delaware, South Carolina and Wisconsin have all passed laws forbidding the practice and in effect requiring schools to reinstate retention. What exactly is retention? It is the practice of holding back students to repeat a grade if they have not successfully met the requirements to go to the next grade level. This has been the practice of school systems for many years and The National Center for Education Static’s show that 16.8% of seniors have repeated at least one grade. The most frequently repeated grades were kindergarten through second. Does retention work? In the majority of studies done they... to Help Students Succeed, North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. Kelly, Karen (1) Kelly, K. (1999). Retention vs. Social Promotion: Schools Search for Alternatives . Harvard Education Letter. Albany, NY. Ruldolph, Angela (1) Johnson, D. and A. Ruldolph (2001). Beyond Social Promotion and Retention-Five Startegies to Help Students Succeed, North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. Teachers, American Federation of (1) Teachers, A. F. o. (1997). Taking Responsibility for Ending Social Promotion: A Guide for Educators and State and Local Leaders. U.S. Department of Education. Thompson, Charles L. - Cunningham, Elizabeth K. (1) Thompson, C. L.-C., Elizabeth K. (200-12-00). Retention and Social Promotion: Research and Implications for Policy. ERIC Digest. New York. 161.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Debate Concerning Medical Marijuana Essay -- legalization of marij

In Nov. 1996 the people of the State of California approved proposition 215, the initiative that could make marijuana legally available as a medicine in the U.S. for the first time in 60 years. Under this initiative the government will not prosecute patients or their caregivers who possess or cultivate marijuana for medical treatment. The medical recommendation may be either written or oral and doctors cannot be penalized by the state of Arizona at the same time. However at this time it is still illegal to posses, administer, sell or use marijuana in any of the other 48 states across the U.S. Why haven’t the rest of the country followed the lead of these two states? What this paper attempts to do is provide an argument that it is immoral to deny seriously ill patients the right to use marijuana for medical purposes, and that the current misconceptions about marijuana have been grossly overstated. Basically I’m going to prove the marijuana has been given a bum rap. Currently there is question as to whither there is a valid use for marijuana for medicinal use. This question has been the spark for much controversy. â€Å"There is no evidence to prove marijuana’s use in chemotherapy. There are numerous alternative drugs that obviate the need to even pursue research on the subject.† Our course scientific research would give use a different opinion than the one above that current President Bill Clinton has stated above. Marijuana’s therapeutic uses are well documented in the modern scientific literature. Using either smoked marijuana or oral preparations of delta-9-THC (marijuana’s main active ingredient), researchers have conducted controlled studies. These studies demonstrate marijuana’s usefulness in â€Å"reducing nausea and vomiting, † â€Å"stimulating appetite, promoting weight gain, and diminishing intraocular pressure from glaucoma. † There is also evidence that smoked marijuana and/or TH C â€Å"reduce muscle spasticity form spinal chord injuries and multiple sclerosis, and diminish tremors in multiple sclerosis patients. † Other therapeutic uses for marijuana have not been widely studied. However, patients and physicians have reported that smoked marijuana have not been widely studied. However patients and physicians have reported that smoked marijuana â€Å"provides relief from migraine headaches, depression, seizures, insomnia, convulsion, and chronic pai... ...tion Act of 1994, Farmington, MA (20 October 1994 York, Sarah., â€Å"The Battle for Medical Marijuana† The Nation, v246 n1 p14 (Jan 6, 1997) Ibid.,Ibid., Grinspoon, L. and Bakalar, J.B., Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine, Revised and Expanded Edition, New Haven: Yale University Press (1997) Morganthau, Tom, â€Å"The War over Weed†, Newsweek v129 n5 p20 (Feb. 3 1997) Ibid., p20 Mcwiliams Peter, â€Å"The General’s Loophole†, Playboy v46 n12 p61 (Dec. 1999) Benson, John., â€Å"From Marijuana To Medicine†, Issues in Science and Technology, v15 i3 p27 (Spring 1999) Grinspoon, Lester., â€Å"Prescribing the Forbidden Medicine†, Playboy, v45 n8 p42 (August 1998) Armentano, Paul., Could The FDA Approve Medical Marijuana?† High Times, n226 p40 (August 1998) Randall, R.C., Marijuana, Medicine and the Law, Washington, DC: Galen Press p27 (1986) Drug Reform Coordination Rist, Curtist., â€Å"Weed the People† People Weekly, v46 n17 p75 (Oct. 21 1996) Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics Act, Section 505 Randall, R.C., Cancer Treatment and Marijuana, Washington, DC: Galen Press (1990) Gingrich, N., â€Å"Legal Status of Marijuana,† Journal of the American Medical Association p247 (1982)

Compromise of 1850 Essay -- essays research papers

In January of 1848, gold was discovered at Sutter’s Mill, which is now in present-day California. From 1848-1849, 300,000 people rushed to California in search of gold. These gold-seekers, nicknamed â€Å"Forty-Niners†, came from all over the world. Most of the Forty-Niners came from the rest of America, but some even came from Europe, Australia, Latin America, and Asia. Because of the huge gold rush, roads, churches, schools, canals, cities, and towns were established in the California area. This new economic explosion influenced California to become a state in the Union. In late 1849, California applied for admission as a free state in the Union. The problem with this request was the geographical dividing line that congress created in the Missouri Compromise to separate the free states in the north, and the slave states in the south. The dividing line went right through the middle of California, making congress debate whether California should be a free state or a slave state. Congressmen argued over the topic, bringing Henry Clay out of retirement to help figure out a compromise. Clay...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Analysis of Endgame

Modernism is not mere representation to a period of time but it also represents a life style, way of thinking, different perspective to things, and rebel creation of art against previous schools. Therefore we will try to define this movement and present its characteristics especially in literature. Through wandering at Modernism we will take Endgame as an example of the absurd theater that written by Samuel Beckett and we will explain how it embodies the characteristics of Modernism, language, style, and so forth. Modernism is cultural movement that reflects certain changes not only in the arts (literature, drama, painting, music, sculpture, dance, architecture) but in sciences such as physics, chemistry, and so forth. Modernist production rose after World War to break tradition, beliefs, principles, and rules, â€Å"this break includes a strong reaction against established religious, political, and social views†. Therefore Modernism refuses a single way of looking at world and obvious separation between â€Å"right and wrong, good and bad, and hero and villain†. Modernists rebelled against Victorian ideals†. They emphasized humanism over nationalism and how humans were part and responsible to nature, plus â€Å"they challenged the idea that God played an active role in the world†. So this leads them to the concept or notion that â€Å"no person or thing born to specific use† thus they challenged any assumption that point to presence meaning and purpose behind world events. The term â€Å"modernism† includes significantly â€Å"experimental arts† in addition to its rejection for any â€Å"traditional style and conventions†. Its technique is characterized by â€Å"the disruption of chronological linear plot in fiction , the use of fragmentary images and dense allusions in poetry, and the abandonment of realist or naturalist characterization and dialogue in drama†. All these features will be useful in analysis Endgame as an absurdist theater. Endgame â€Å"tends to support the superficial view that people and things are meaningless, without significance†. In comparison between Modernism and conventional drama such as Realism and Naturalism we will find extreme differences between them. Realism in literature was part of a wider movement in the arts to focus on ordinary people and events. Realists tries to portray real life at the period of time (French revolution). It uses technique that represents real speech, action, events and clear emotions. Realist works are characterized by traditional narrative and real story that has real characters, events and conflict. Naturalism is a literary movement which â€Å"characterized by the application of scientific determinism to literature†. It depends on assumption that is real exists in nature. â€Å"Realism and Naturalism are often linked due to its emphasis on realistic people in realistic settings, featuring ordinary people struggling against unseen forces over which they have no control. Realism and Naturalism differs insomuch that Realism focuses on literary technique whereas Naturalism focuses on a specific philosophy†. Through our presentation for the characteristics of Modernism, we will give an example from Endgame that is written by Samuel Beckett. This play belongs to the absurdist theater â€Å"Absurd is that which is devoid of purpose †¦ Cut off from his religious, metaphysical, and transcendental roots, man is lost; all his actions become senseless, absurd, useless. † Eugene Ionesco. Modernism as style of writing refers to new techniques to communicate the ideas or notions that are presented. One of its features is static, stripped action and dialogue and periods of silence. So it rejects any traditional styles and convention by â€Å"its adoption of radically innovative and often complex, difficult forms†. This is embodied through Endgame. Endgame as the title describes an ending already known in the last part of a chess game, when there are very few pieces left and its masters always study how they guaranty themselves victory through maneuver their enemy into certain position. The play begins with ambiguous Clov's words that stresses on ending â€Å"Finished, it's finished, nearly finished, it must be nearly finished†. The traditional development of events that involve a beginning and end of a story rejected through absurd theater. Therefore â€Å"The play is not divided into acts or scenes, there is no interval†, thus there is a sense of repetition, some words and phrases return but they are never the same, e. g. â€Å"pain killer†, â€Å"there's no more pain killer†. The repetition of words, the static movement and the general atmosphere point to that nothing will be changed, â€Å"the implication is that the characters live in an unchanging, static state. Each day contains the actions and reactions of the day before, until each event takes on an almost itualistic quality†. Endgame is one-act ply with four characters that divided into two pairs, Hamm and Clov who placed the major roles, Nagg and Nell who not appear at first but throughout the play we will discover that they are Hamm's parents. The sitting for End game is a bare room with two small windows situated high up on the back wall. Hamm seated in wheelchair and he is covered with a sheet. There are two dustbins that Nagg and Nell's lodging. There is along ladder which Clov needs it to look at through windows that high and narrow, the right one looks out over the earth and the left one looks out over the sea. HAMM (wearily): Quiet, quiet, you're keeping me awake. (Pause. ) Talk softer. (Pause. ) If I could sleep I might make love. I'd go into the woods. My eyes would see†¦ the sky, the earth. I'd run, run, they wouldn't catch me. (Pause. ) Nature! (Pause. ) There's something dripping in my head. (Pause. ) A heart, a heart in my head. (Pause. NAGG: Do you hear him? A heart in his head! (He chuckles cautiously. ) NELL: One mustn't laugh at those things, Nagg. Why must you always laugh at them? NAGG: Not so loud! NELL (without lowering her voice): Nothing is funnier than unhappiness, I grant you that. But— This part of the dialogue presents some features of Modernism. Nagg and Nell live in static place (two dustbins) from the beginning to end. They make superficial dialogue between each other that represents unconventional situation and action. As for Hamm, cannot leave his wheelchair nevertheless he is the master and Clove with his mechanical movement is the servant, P. S Clove is the only character who moves on his legs. It also presents the relationships between Hamm and Clov, Nagg and Nell, and the four among each other. The first relationship that embodied by Hamm and Clov represents master/slave and father/son needs, Hamm cannot live without Clov's help because of his inability (blind and disabled), in other hand, Clov needs survival that Hamm provides him. Nagg and Nell's presence in two separated dustbins make them unable to contact with each other but comfort each other, they ‘popping up their heads to call for food† that become ‘a dog biscuit'. The absurd theater also characterized by use of gestures and mime that mixed with quite silence â€Å"pregnant pauses†. Beckett focuses on using mime and gesture to portray the unspoken desires of his characters, and the ways of death dominates our thoughts. Hamm's disability to move from his chair and see by his blind eyes point to that he already died because he cannot do anything to himself only through Clove.